There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Monday, November 20, 2017

1st Semester Week 12

Two Important Notes:
Now, the weekly rundown...

Grammar (Latin): Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the adventure that is Latin Verbs has begun! Your brain may ache a bit at first, but I promise that this is fun, fun stuff and will be very rewarding if you put in the time and mental energy. You've got this!

As always...

1. Look in your guide for weekly assignments. I do recommend you try to prioritize your latin work during this holiday week.

2. Watch any and all available videos. Did you pay for Latin with Andy? Watch those videos! CC Connected Visual Latin - watch the verb videos! I know I say it every week, but these resources are there for you and can help bring clarity to the Henle Latin text.

3. Check out any resources I link to (in the current weeks, or past quizlet/links).

Verb Helps:

Verb Attributes Visual
Build-a-Verb Present System
Verb Chart Overview - Present Indicative Active
Latin Verb Overview

Exposition/Composition (LTW): This is our writing week. You will be completing your fourth LTW persuasive essay on your Number the Stars thesis. This week's elocution tool is the 2nd level of parallelism - parallelism with phrases and clauses. I think you got the gist of it, but remember there are the LTW videos available (ask your mom), and you can always ask questions if you get stuck. Can't wait to hear your essays next week!

I recommend you work on your essay over the next couple of days so you are able to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving.


Debate (Cartography): We added our final Europe section today - southern Europe. Thanks for hanging in there with my drawing - clearly you all are WAY more advanced in your cartography skills than I am. Please practice drawing your maps during this holiday week. You should work on drawing all of Europe this week, and remember to draw at least one cumulative map.

Logic (Math): Thanks to those of you who led our math discussion today. Keep up the good work!

Research (Science Fair): You will be developing your experimental procedure this week. If you have any questions at all, first look at the videos on CC Connected and, read through the research/science fair section in the back of the guide (including the example Research Plan), and peruse the documents I posted under the 'Science Fair' label.  And then of course you can come to me with any unanswered questions and I will track down an answer!

Science Fair, Week 3
Science Fair Research Paper (This is an example of the how the Research Question and the Background Research can be combined into your research paper. It includes some helpful tips that you can follow if it is helpful.)

Rhetoric: I made the executive decision to take the week off from Rhetoric. We will discuss chapter 11 next week, and then double up the following week. So if you already read chapter 11, you have the week off from Rhetoric!

FYI, our modified Challenge A schedule in the Wynne home this week will be:
T - Latin, Cartography, LTW and Research
W - Latin, Cartography, LTW and Research
Fr/Sa - maybe some light school - finishing a paper, writing out procedure, latin exercises, maybe a quick map or two.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

1st Semester Week 11!

Well, I am happy to report that not only did we have better conversation than last week, but I believe it was our best week yet! I'm thankful for you all!

Rhetoric: To ensure we wouldn't short change this strand, we started our day discussing ICJH. We managed to cover 3 chapters, and had a a very productive and delightful dialogue. We also managed two quick games.

Keep up with your reading and highlighting, and keep memorizing those catechism questions!

Grammar (Latin): 3rd Declension Adjectives! Don't fret over these. You all were intimidated at first, but were rocking the translation exercises in no time. Just go step by step, memorizing and working the exercises, and the light bulbs will light up with time!

Latin with Andy and the Visual Latin videos sure are helpful...

Adjective Breakdown Helpful one sheet breakdown of those beautiful, challenging, invigorating adjectives!

Also, our parent observer of the day was SUPER impressed with you all during latin. Even though latin may stretch you every week, it's important to remember how far you ALL have come in your knowledge and understanding of this subject. Keep up the good work!

Exposition/Composition (LTW): Ok, we are really adding layers to our writing now. While there are more steps to walk through to develop your paper (you'll notice your LTW work takes more time than in early weeks), I think you'll find yourself having more fun expressing your ideas, and that your papers are getting more interesting.

This week's Arrangement tool is AMPLIFICATION.

  • Watch the LTW video!!!
  • Complete the Arrangement steps that we've covered so far 
  • Complete the Amplification worksheets and your arrangement outline for Essay 4
LTW Checklists and Outlines A quick reference of the each LTW essay's outline and checklist!

Debate (Cartography): This week we looked at Eastern Europe, and played a super fun playdoh pictionary-ish game that Ryan suggested. Loved it.

A reminder of noodle rewards:
  • 5 noodles if you do daily cartography AND complete a cumulative map of EVERYTHING we've learned so far. In my house, I require that this map is labeled with at least the country/state as well as most of the features. But you should check with your teacher to see what they require.
  • 3 noodles for every map of Europe that includes all sections of Europe we've learned (Northern, Western, and Eastern).
Research: Good job writing your Research Problems. I'm really looking forward to seeing these plans pan out. This week has three-ish steps. Don't put it off, and ask questions any time you are stuck!
  • Determine your main Research Question. This is the section in your lab journal after the Research Problem.
  • Once you've narrowed in on your question, it's time to do some background research. Look at the example in the back of your guide for ways to focus your research. Keep track of your sources in your bibliography section! You will need to write 3-5 paragraphs summarizing your research in your lab journal.
  • Lastly, formulate a Hypothesis, or an educated guess. 
  • Check the 'science fair' label on the right for helpful links and documents.

Logic: Ok, ok, Logic maaaaaay have gotten the short end of the stick this week (Dylan would say it gets short changed EVERY week). I'll try to get a full hour in next week, so come prepared with problems to share (of course you'll get a noodle for being prepared!).

And I must apologize for not handing out my promised treat rewards! I forgot. Next week!


Setting up the Lab Journal:

Weekly Assignments:
  • Weekly Assignments A document (created by another mom, of course) that I will be following closely each week at home and in class.
  • Science Buddies! This is the official recommended site for all things science fair in CC. Great resource!
  • NASA Science Fair Great series of videos on the Science Fair. Watch it!
  • 10 Science Fair Ideas We watched this in class. Good Science Fair tips and great ideas to get the creative juices flowing!
  • CC Connected! Don't forget the resources for you on CC Connected! Classical Learning Center.>Hover over 'Learning Center'>Research>Science Fair
  • Science Fair Inspiration

Monday, November 6, 2017

1st Semester Week 10!

Whew! Week 10 is in the books. Some important info, then a quick recap!

Quizlet/Links - In an attempt to stay somewhat organized, I have divided the links into 6 week chunks. The drawback, of course, is that many of the links are big picture or overview (latin, comprehensive quizlet users) and I won't be re-entering the info for every 6 week chunk. So you can and should put on your detective hats and poke around to really get familiar with all the resources available to you! And I will continue to post relevant links in my weekly wrap up posts as well!

Conversation - We are learning how to have respectful, meaningful, thoughtful conversations in Challenge A. I think that overall, our class conversation skills have progressed over the last 10 weeks. This week was a bit tough - I had to do too much reminding and we were not able to be really fruitful in our discussion. I am hopeful, though. We are on this journey together! I'm already excited for next week!

Guide - Remember to always refer to the guide for weekly work. I try to summarize important things in the weekly wrap-ups, but I don't include all the assignments so check your guide regularly. And remember the helpful articles and resources in there!

Weekly Wrap-up:

Research - Goodbye, research papers (for now)! What fun we've had. We'll come back to research papers during second semester, but for now it's time for...


 - Here we go! Science fair is officially underway! I sent home some info for students AND parents to read through. For better or for worse, science fair really needs parental oversight and input throughout the entire process! I really hope this will be a positive, worthwhile experience, but to make that happen we've got to commit to this thing. And chip away bit by bit at the weekly assignments. 

- I have started a Science Fair category on the right. Go there for the reference materials and links that I have found helpful. Take time to look at (a lot of your questions will be answered there). 

- If you get stuck, please ask for help. Don't delay!

- This week (remember to check your guide as well!):

  • Begin to familiarize yourself with this big project. Read the documents I sent home with you (check the 'Science Fair' link on the right for all the documents). Look at and the other links I posted there. Of course I'll link them here as well.
  • Websites:
  • Set up your science journal! 
    • Remember, I gave you two very similar, complimentary documents on how to set up your journal. There is some variation in the 'Table of Contents'. You may decide which one to use! I added 'Scientific Method Overview' as the first item (glued onto page 1), then 'Abstract' (leave 3-4 blank pages), and then 'Research Problem'. You really only need to have these three items in your Table of Contents this week!
    • Label all the page numbers in your lab journal! 
    • Important note about your journal from an official scientist and science fair judge:
      • In the world of science, absolutely everything is recorded (with dates)! Thoughts, observations, hypotheses, protocols, data etc. Please don't think or allow your student to think that the labnotebooks are some sort of busy work add-on for presentation purposes. Talk with your student about the reality of science labnotebooks. Lab journals are often the only record of the process you have, only record of failed attempts (important so no one repeats your mistakes 5 years later). Keep in mind that a too-clean, too-orderly notebook is evidence that you are leaving things out that may later be helpful to you or someone else, even critical...if only those things had been recorded!

    • Work through the first assignment - the Research Problem! Write 1-2 paragraphs in your science log under 'Research Problem'.

Latin - This week we did review games and then introduced Predicate Adjectives. Just more practice with all things adjectives this week. Pay attention to the preposition pro!

Remember the CC Connected Visual Latin videos? Remember Latin with Andy? Remember the youtube links for pronunciation and latin overviews in the quizlet/links wks 1-6? Remember you can always ask me and/or your classmates for help? Remember that Latin is pretty awesome? Oh you do remember? Great! I was just checking.

Exposition/Composition (LTW) - We didn't have a chance to read papers, but we should have time next week so Chloe, Dylan, and Emma - bring your papers to share. This week we had a good discussion about Number the Stars while eating a book themed snack. Then it was back to Arrangement! We walked through Comparison II - Differences. I think it was starting to click, but don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Students and parents, watch those LTW videos! They are short and so helpful.

This week's assignment is the invention for Essay 4. ANI chart (25 items per column!), sorting, 5 common topics, Comparison I, and the new worksheet for Comparison II. Pace yourself and have fun!

Debate/Cartography: This week we are adding Western Europe. Check the back of the guide for the weekly breakdown. Be diligent (do I say that quite a bit?).

My challenge to you this week: do your cartography every day, and at least one cumulative map. Do this for 5 noodles! Bonus! 1 noodle for each map you draw of BOTH western and northern Europe.

Logic: Thanks to Ethan for leading our math discussion this week. I will draw 2 names from the red solo cup for next week's math leaders. 1 noodle for bringing a prepared problem. And yes, we will play a math game with teeny tiny dice.

Rhetoric: Cue large dramatic sigh! Unfortunately this strand got neglected again this week, and I attribute it to poor class management and too much unfocused talking. Next week we will START with Rhetoric, and will be discussing chapters 8, 9, and 10, as well doing a catechism review game. Yes!

I will also be handing out a few treats next week!

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

1st Semester Week 9!

We had a great time together in class this week - so much fun that we ran out of time for rhetoric! Milkshake Happy Hour was an overall success (next time will be Grant's Burgers, though). Here are some of the details:

Research: You all picked some very interesting animals to write about. And this week's topic, mammals, is the final animal research paper for the year! I challenged the whole class to put in their best effort this week, and really work on practicing and knowing their presentations. I look forward to this strand the most!

Next week I will be introducing SCIENCE FAIR! I will provide a step by step breakdown of the process and am really looking forward to it.

Grammar: The focus has officially shifted from nouns to adjectives! Remember, adjectives in latin must agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case! The number of exercises this week is very doable, and always remember that it is ok if you are still doing exercises and lessons from weeks ago! The important thing is that you don't give up, and that you keep pushing yourself and doing your personal best. And remember all of the many latin resources you have at your disposal.

Visual Latin on CC Connected! (Remember you need to be signed in to CC Connected to watch these videos)

Latin with Andy (if you subscribe)

Don't forget to check the 'Quizlet and Other Links' for other helpful latin links!

Adjective Chart for Copywork (Use this just like an Essentials Chart! Copy, copy, copy, and you'll have these adjective details memorized in no time!)

Adjectives Overview (Helpful overview of adjectives - print off as a reference if you'd like)

Exposition/Composition: We did a very simple overview of verb editing, with the goal of using precise and active verbs. Watch the LTW video for Essay 3, Elocution, read through the Teachers Manual, and then do the Student Worksheet. Finally, write that 3rd LTW paper, making sure to check your work against the Essay 3 checklist in the back of your student book! Feel free to ask questions if you get stuck at any point.

LTW Editing - Verbs (Some tips for editing verbs - read and use if helpful)

I look forward to hearing your papers in class next week!

Cartography: South America is complete! Good job on your blank paper assessments! We are tackling Europe over the next FIVE weeks. We spent some time in class breaking down the workload over the next 4 weeks (the fifth week will be a review week). So this week you will be working on Northern Europe.

Copy Northern Europe every day.

Complete AT LEAST one cumulative map this week. But I strongly suggest you do even more than that. The only way to retain what you've learned so far is to make sure you review it regularly!

Can you believe in just 5 short weeks you will have a mental grasp on Canada, USA, Central America, South America, and Europe? What?!? Don't slack now, keep up the daily work and you will be so proud of your efforts.

4 Week Europe Breakdown!
Europe Blackline

Logic: Dylan, Emma, and Chloe led the class math discussion this week. Next week I've challenged Ethan and Ryan to walk us through a problem! Do your math everyday!

Rhetoric: We didn't get to rhetoric this week. So, next week's discussion will cover both chapter 8 and 9, and we will have a comprehensive catechism review game!

I think that's it for now. We are 1/3 of the way through our Challenge A year!