There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

1st Semester Week 11!

Well, I am happy to report that not only did we have better conversation than last week, but I believe it was our best week yet! I'm thankful for you all!

Rhetoric: To ensure we wouldn't short change this strand, we started our day discussing ICJH. We managed to cover 3 chapters, and had a a very productive and delightful dialogue. We also managed two quick games.

Keep up with your reading and highlighting, and keep memorizing those catechism questions!

Grammar (Latin): 3rd Declension Adjectives! Don't fret over these. You all were intimidated at first, but were rocking the translation exercises in no time. Just go step by step, memorizing and working the exercises, and the light bulbs will light up with time!

Latin with Andy and the Visual Latin videos sure are helpful...

Adjective Breakdown Helpful one sheet breakdown of those beautiful, challenging, invigorating adjectives!

Also, our parent observer of the day was SUPER impressed with you all during latin. Even though latin may stretch you every week, it's important to remember how far you ALL have come in your knowledge and understanding of this subject. Keep up the good work!

Exposition/Composition (LTW): Ok, we are really adding layers to our writing now. While there are more steps to walk through to develop your paper (you'll notice your LTW work takes more time than in early weeks), I think you'll find yourself having more fun expressing your ideas, and that your papers are getting more interesting.

This week's Arrangement tool is AMPLIFICATION.

  • Watch the LTW video!!!
  • Complete the Arrangement steps that we've covered so far 
  • Complete the Amplification worksheets and your arrangement outline for Essay 4
LTW Checklists and Outlines A quick reference of the each LTW essay's outline and checklist!

Debate (Cartography): This week we looked at Eastern Europe, and played a super fun playdoh pictionary-ish game that Ryan suggested. Loved it.

A reminder of noodle rewards:
  • 5 noodles if you do daily cartography AND complete a cumulative map of EVERYTHING we've learned so far. In my house, I require that this map is labeled with at least the country/state as well as most of the features. But you should check with your teacher to see what they require.
  • 3 noodles for every map of Europe that includes all sections of Europe we've learned (Northern, Western, and Eastern).
Research: Good job writing your Research Problems. I'm really looking forward to seeing these plans pan out. This week has three-ish steps. Don't put it off, and ask questions any time you are stuck!
  • Determine your main Research Question. This is the section in your lab journal after the Research Problem.
  • Once you've narrowed in on your question, it's time to do some background research. Look at the example in the back of your guide for ways to focus your research. Keep track of your sources in your bibliography section! You will need to write 3-5 paragraphs summarizing your research in your lab journal.
  • Lastly, formulate a Hypothesis, or an educated guess. 
  • Check the 'science fair' label on the right for helpful links and documents.

Logic: Ok, ok, Logic maaaaaay have gotten the short end of the stick this week (Dylan would say it gets short changed EVERY week). I'll try to get a full hour in next week, so come prepared with problems to share (of course you'll get a noodle for being prepared!).

And I must apologize for not handing out my promised treat rewards! I forgot. Next week!

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