There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Monday, November 20, 2017

1st Semester Week 12

Two Important Notes:
Now, the weekly rundown...

Grammar (Latin): Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the adventure that is Latin Verbs has begun! Your brain may ache a bit at first, but I promise that this is fun, fun stuff and will be very rewarding if you put in the time and mental energy. You've got this!

As always...

1. Look in your guide for weekly assignments. I do recommend you try to prioritize your latin work during this holiday week.

2. Watch any and all available videos. Did you pay for Latin with Andy? Watch those videos! CC Connected Visual Latin - watch the verb videos! I know I say it every week, but these resources are there for you and can help bring clarity to the Henle Latin text.

3. Check out any resources I link to (in the current weeks, or past quizlet/links).

Verb Helps:

Verb Attributes Visual
Build-a-Verb Present System
Verb Chart Overview - Present Indicative Active
Latin Verb Overview

Exposition/Composition (LTW): This is our writing week. You will be completing your fourth LTW persuasive essay on your Number the Stars thesis. This week's elocution tool is the 2nd level of parallelism - parallelism with phrases and clauses. I think you got the gist of it, but remember there are the LTW videos available (ask your mom), and you can always ask questions if you get stuck. Can't wait to hear your essays next week!

I recommend you work on your essay over the next couple of days so you are able to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving.


Debate (Cartography): We added our final Europe section today - southern Europe. Thanks for hanging in there with my drawing - clearly you all are WAY more advanced in your cartography skills than I am. Please practice drawing your maps during this holiday week. You should work on drawing all of Europe this week, and remember to draw at least one cumulative map.

Logic (Math): Thanks to those of you who led our math discussion today. Keep up the good work!

Research (Science Fair): You will be developing your experimental procedure this week. If you have any questions at all, first look at the videos on CC Connected and, read through the research/science fair section in the back of the guide (including the example Research Plan), and peruse the documents I posted under the 'Science Fair' label.  And then of course you can come to me with any unanswered questions and I will track down an answer!

Science Fair, Week 3
Science Fair Research Paper (This is an example of the how the Research Question and the Background Research can be combined into your research paper. It includes some helpful tips that you can follow if it is helpful.)

Rhetoric: I made the executive decision to take the week off from Rhetoric. We will discuss chapter 11 next week, and then double up the following week. So if you already read chapter 11, you have the week off from Rhetoric!

FYI, our modified Challenge A schedule in the Wynne home this week will be:
T - Latin, Cartography, LTW and Research
W - Latin, Cartography, LTW and Research
Fr/Sa - maybe some light school - finishing a paper, writing out procedure, latin exercises, maybe a quick map or two.

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