There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

1st Semester Week 9!

We had a great time together in class this week - so much fun that we ran out of time for rhetoric! Milkshake Happy Hour was an overall success (next time will be Grant's Burgers, though). Here are some of the details:

Research: You all picked some very interesting animals to write about. And this week's topic, mammals, is the final animal research paper for the year! I challenged the whole class to put in their best effort this week, and really work on practicing and knowing their presentations. I look forward to this strand the most!

Next week I will be introducing SCIENCE FAIR! I will provide a step by step breakdown of the process and am really looking forward to it.

Grammar: The focus has officially shifted from nouns to adjectives! Remember, adjectives in latin must agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case! The number of exercises this week is very doable, and always remember that it is ok if you are still doing exercises and lessons from weeks ago! The important thing is that you don't give up, and that you keep pushing yourself and doing your personal best. And remember all of the many latin resources you have at your disposal.

Visual Latin on CC Connected! (Remember you need to be signed in to CC Connected to watch these videos)

Latin with Andy (if you subscribe)

Don't forget to check the 'Quizlet and Other Links' for other helpful latin links!

Adjective Chart for Copywork (Use this just like an Essentials Chart! Copy, copy, copy, and you'll have these adjective details memorized in no time!)

Adjectives Overview (Helpful overview of adjectives - print off as a reference if you'd like)

Exposition/Composition: We did a very simple overview of verb editing, with the goal of using precise and active verbs. Watch the LTW video for Essay 3, Elocution, read through the Teachers Manual, and then do the Student Worksheet. Finally, write that 3rd LTW paper, making sure to check your work against the Essay 3 checklist in the back of your student book! Feel free to ask questions if you get stuck at any point.

LTW Editing - Verbs (Some tips for editing verbs - read and use if helpful)

I look forward to hearing your papers in class next week!

Cartography: South America is complete! Good job on your blank paper assessments! We are tackling Europe over the next FIVE weeks. We spent some time in class breaking down the workload over the next 4 weeks (the fifth week will be a review week). So this week you will be working on Northern Europe.

Copy Northern Europe every day.

Complete AT LEAST one cumulative map this week. But I strongly suggest you do even more than that. The only way to retain what you've learned so far is to make sure you review it regularly!

Can you believe in just 5 short weeks you will have a mental grasp on Canada, USA, Central America, South America, and Europe? What?!? Don't slack now, keep up the daily work and you will be so proud of your efforts.

4 Week Europe Breakdown!
Europe Blackline

Logic: Dylan, Emma, and Chloe led the class math discussion this week. Next week I've challenged Ethan and Ryan to walk us through a problem! Do your math everyday!

Rhetoric: We didn't get to rhetoric this week. So, next week's discussion will cover both chapter 8 and 9, and we will have a comprehensive catechism review game!

I think that's it for now. We are 1/3 of the way through our Challenge A year!

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