There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 8 was great!

Research - Glass frogs, giant salamanders, sea wasps, and a beautiful bird - this week's presentations were a highlight! Remember what your personal growth area is, and work on it this week. 3 rubber bands for working on your 'need to improve' area. We only have 2 more weeks of these research papers...then it's on to Science Fair!

Next week's research topic: Reptiles
Epic Reptiles
Facts about Reptiles

Grammar (Latin) - This week was just review games! Super fun and you all did awesome. The workload is pretty light for Grammar this week, so it's a great week to get caught up on your exercises and drill your vocabulary! Remember to use google hangout for any questions! Here is a fun Latin Word Search if you want to mix things up this week:

Exposition/Composition (LTW) - I introduced Exordiums, and did a big sweeping overview of everything we've covered so far (developing a thesis, ANI chart, 5 Common Topics, Comparison, Parallelism, sorting, outlining). Always check your guide, but this week make sure you:

Watch LTW Video (Essay 3, Arrangement)
Complete 5 Common Topic Worksheet and Comparison Sheet (then transfer any info to your ANI chart!)
Sort your ANI Chart (follow process from Essay Two!)
Pick a side! (affirmative/negative)
Select 3 proofs, and 3 sub proofs for each proof!
Now you can do this week's worksheets:
'A Guide to Exordium'
'Basic Persuasive Essay with Exordium'

Debate (Cartography) - Y'all drew South America and then labeled all the features! Next week is our blank paper assessment of South America! Check and follow the guide as per usual, but this week make sure you:
Draw and Label South America (include features) every day!
Work on your Geography Dictionary

Backpacking South America!

Math - Emma and Dylan did a fabulous job guiding our math discussion today. Please select a math problem this week and come prepared to lead a discussion. Not everyone will be able to lead, but I MAY select you, so be ready! 3 rubber bands for coming to class with a problem prepared.

Rhetoric - Fun review games (loved the dramatized catechisms!), and a pretty great discussion of It Couldn't Just Happen. Keep reading, highlighting, doing Just 4 Funs, and memorizing! 

Other Stuff:

- You all earned a happy hour treat for next week. Nice work! Parents, I will be asking permission to take the students off campus for a reward!

- I will be sending out your first Progress Report this week (there will be a total of 4 progress reports given this year). Teacher and student should chat about them, and of course ask me questions if you have any!

- I'm sorry I didn't get a class wrap up done last week. The weather knocked out our power and our internet was out for two days. Enough to throw me off my game I guess :).

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