There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Second Semester, Week 14

Ladies and gents, we are officially in our LAST WEEK of Challenge A. This is the time to FINISH STRONG! By this time next week you will be done with Blue Books!

This week you all did a fabulous job leading discussions and staying on task. We were able to work through the morning without a break, and as a reward we got to meet up with the mid-county Challenge classes at Menchie's!

Next Monday we will meet at my house and we'll all be ready to start by 9 AM. If all goes as planned we will have time to do a full frog dissection as well.

Here's a recap of how to study for each strand this week, and what to bring with you to class. Manage your time well and put in your very best efforts. Leave it all on the field!!!

Grammar (Latin): Make sure you can fill out the principal parts chart (Principal Parts Chart). Then practice conjugating each verb in the present (present, imperfect, future), and one verb in the perfect (perfect, pluperfect, future perfect - remember that the endings are the same for all 4 conjugations, hence the need to only conjugate one of your verbs). Practice conjugating on blank paper, organized in a way that is clear to you (and hopefully to your parents). I'll send a picture to google hangouts of what I came up with :). (Present/Perfect Verb Endings)

*Here is how I chose to write out the verb info this morning (you can organize yours differently of course):

Remember to also review your vocabulary as well!
Bonus - practice filling out our handy-dandy declension chart: (Declension Chart)

Exposition/Composition (LTW): You can use your Blue Book time to write your Bronze Bow essay using Essay six outline and checklist. You can reduce your exam day workload by writing your essay this week (or at least starting it) and bringing it to class. If you already have your essay written, I will have a fun little exercise for you to do during this time.

Cartography: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE drawing the entire world. Work on spacing, labeling, etc. You will have up to 2 hours for this on Monday.

Logic: Bring a problem and be ready to write out an observation/5CTs discussion.

Research: REVIEW DRAWING AND LABELING ALL BODY SYSTEMS. Over and over. You will be asked to draw a MINIMUM of three, but why not shoot for the stars??????

Rhetoric: Review all of the fallacies we have covered. Can you list them all? Can you define AT LEAST three? Could you write an example dialogue or comic strip illustrating AT LEAST one?

That's it! You know what you need to get after it!

What to bring for our final class:

$8 for pizza lunch
Book or something quiet to do if you finish early
Bronze Bow Essay
Cartography Notebook with definitions (PRIZE!)
Research/Body Systems definitions (PRIZE!)

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