There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Monday, April 16, 2018

2nd Semester, Week 13

Oh, hello! Remember this blog? Sorry it dropped off so suddenly! I'm bringing it back for our last couple of weeks.

Grammar (Latin):

We may have gone a little overtime with latin this week! You all completed a vocabulary review puzzle, and then spent a few minutes writing down everything you could think of about VERBS. Pretty impressive. 

We discussed Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses, and walked through 2 sentences from exercise 184, which you all thought were soooooooooo easy. Your homework this week should be a breeze, then! 

Key Latin Review for Blue Books:

Noun Declension Chart! (Remember this?!?)

Exposition/Composition (LTW):

Heard three fabulous papers, briefly discussed The Bronze Bow (setting, favorite characters, generating an issue), and played an ANI chart game.



You completed your final blank map assessment before the week 15 world map assessment. Remember to diligently practice drawing the entire world these last two weeks. Don't short change yourself and all the work you've put in this year by slacking off in the homestretch. 

NOODLE REWARD FOR COMPLETING GEOGRAPHY DICTIONARY. Also, there will be a prize on Week 15 for a finished geography dictionary!

Logic (Math): Really great math discussion today, led by Dylan and Chloe. Ethan and Emma are up next week!

Research: The assessment of the eye completed, but unfortunately we weren't able to have a discussion including definitions because no one brought them! I know you will all be prepared for this strand next week. 

Time to start reviewing those body system drawings! You'll want to have at least three of them memorized for week 15 (memorized = draw + label, NOT definitions), but strive to master as many as possible!

NEXT WEEK: We will be dissecting frogs!

Rhetoric: We discussed whole-to-part and either/or fallacies, then played a rousing round of "Truth or Fallacy".


Next week, we are trying something new. Each of you students will lead a strand! You'll need to look at Week 14 in your Challenge guide and check the "In Community" section to see what you should prepare for. It'll mostly involve leading the class in review and discussion!

Grammar (Latin): Ethan
Expo/Comp (LTW): Dylan
Cartography: Me
Logic: Emma and Ethan lead math discussion using problems from home
Research: Chloe (after we do blank assessment of the ear)
Rhetoric: Emma

Get after it this week, everyone. You are awesome!

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