There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Grammar (Latin) - Week 1

We spent a lot of time on latin today, and I'd say we had fun doing it. Looking in your guide under week 2, you'll find what you need to do before our next meeting. The trick here is to figure out how to break down your latin work for each day. The Latin Workspace A is awonderful tool because it has the daily work broken down for you. Make sure to drill, drill, drill all the vocabulary until you've got it down! Remember, this is a strand you will want to work on every single day! But try to limit yourself to 1 hr per day :). Dust off those old foundations memory work songs.

Here are some of the resources from our time today. Don't forget to check out CC Connected's Visual Latin Videos. Seriously helpful.

Noun Declensions - Which one is Which? (song)

Annoying Noun Ending Song  (but it sticks in your brain)

Noun Jobs Diagramming 'Cheat Sheet

Ideas for Setting up Latin Resources

Henle Pronunciation! (This is a great help for pronouncing the vocab, following our Henle Latin book!)

Don't forget quizlet! A search for 'challenge a henle' instantly brought up a bunch of options, like this:

Challenge A Henle Latin on Quizlet

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