There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Debate - Week 1

Great job copying those maps today! Remember, strive for an hour a day working on this strand! You will be amazed at what can be accomplished. Get cozy with your guide - it will tell you what you need to do. But these first few weeks I'll write the general expectations here as well with some explanations! I am getting these assignments from week 2 in your challenge guides, because these are the tasks that should be completed this week to be ready for our community day on week 2.

- Draw and label the provinces, territories, and capitals of Canada from the Cartography book. Remember to look for significant shapes and reference points to guide your copying. You will find a list of the locations covered each week in the back of your guide starting on page 187. Don't get bogged down trying to be perfect - do your best and then cop another map tomorrow!

- Memorize the provinces, territories, and capitals of Canada. Yes, that is right. Not only do you draw them, but you will work on memorizing them! This is the grammar you will be memorizing for this strand. How to memorize, you ask? Some ideas:

  • Flashcards
  • (set up an account and search 'challenge a geography', and presto, options like this come up: Challenge A Geography - Canada)
  • Chant aloud for all to hear (or maybe in the yard if you are bugging your family)

- Read about Canada and Greenland in your Cartography book. This is easy and interesting and fun.

- Define the terms listed in your guide (archipelago, arm, etc.). You will need to set up a geography dictionary OR flashcards for this assignment. It's easy so don't stress! Geography dictionary is a basic spiral notebook with A, B, C written every 5-6 pages, with terms added as we go. Get fancy and add some sticky tabs! Working with one term at a time, look the word up in the dictionary (the back of your guide also has a glossary of terms in the debate section) and write the definition in your book or on your notecard, making sure to include a couple of examples of the term (i.e. when defining 'bay', write the definition and then a couple real deal examples like 'Baffin Bay', 'Hudson Bay').

- Important: Bring your best map to class on week 2 to show to us!

Look to the guide for a full run down on what will be due for class on Week 2!

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