There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1st Semester Week 4

Week 4 is complete! Three things for you:


2. Check the 'quizlet' label on the right! I will be updating the links on a regular basis, and you should take advantage of the great resources and help available to you!

3. Be diligent and consistent with your work (REMEMBER THE ANT!):

- Do math every day.

- Copy maps and drill geography locations and terms every day. We'll be doing a blank paper assessment of the USA next week.

- Do your latin every day (limit to an hour a day). We are getting into 3rd Declension Nouns now. 3rd declension is very fun and uniquely challenging, and now is not the time to slack in your latin studies (although honestly, when IS a good time to slack? 😋).

- Research an interesting invertebrate. Ideally, you will use at least 2 sources and write at least 1 paragraph. Practice your presentation. Draw a picture! (p.s. I LOVE your presentations!)

- Make an ANI chart for Carry On, Mr. Bowtich, and do the worksheet for Essay Two Arrangement, working through the 5 common topics.

- Read It Couldn't Just Happen, chapter 4 and highlight blues and pinks. Drill those catechism questions so that we can play a fun game next week!

-Read your bible. Look around at the beautiful fall colors beginning to appear. Marvel at God's handiwork. Thank Him for your brain, for the ability to learn new things, for your family.

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