There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Rhetoric - Week 2

We had a nice discussion about chapter 1, and then made bookmarks that go through the highlighting process. The students agreed that next week they will work to highlight blues and pinks (although those who so desire should tackle as many highlighting colors as they want).

The guide refers to the It Couldn't Just Happen study guide - this is printed in the back of the the Ch A guide and can be used in addition to - or in lieu of - highlighting. It's up to you! Both are helpful ways to summarize important information from the book and both with help prepare students to discuss the chapter in class.

Read/highlight chapter 2 for next week. Rubber bands for each Just 4 Fun completed. 

Drill those catechism questions! Ch A Catechism

Here is the video I showed at the end of class yesterday. Stars and Whales

Highlighting bookmark: Bookmark

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