There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rhetoric - Week 1

Ok, this is a nice low key strand this semester. Ahhhhhhh. Today we briefly looked through our book: It Couldn't Just Happen, and read the introduction together. Then we sped through a highlighting system that we are going to implement slowly over the next six weeks or so. Here is what you need to do this week:

- Read the assigned chapter. Yep, just one.

- Follow the highlighting procedure (note that we will substitute yellow for green, unless you want to provide your own green highlighter!):

Highlighting Bookmark 1

Highlighting Bookmark 2

Important: We will start with the blue highlighting this week (but feel free to read up on how to use all the colors and proceed if you so desire). That means you're highlighting 'interesting and important quotes, and things you like or enjoy.'

- It is up to your teacher whether you will do the study guide in addition to the highlighting system. If you decide to do the study guide, make copies of the study guide sheet in the back of your ChA guide (Rhetoric section) and fill in as you go, storing your work in a binder.

- IMPORTANT! I failed to mention the catechism questions in class today! You will be memorizing these throughout the year, and the first three are 'due' by our next meeting. This is the grammar of this strand, and should be drilled like all your other grammar!

And guess what? Quizlet already has these questions loaded! Search and see for yourself...but here is one example:

ICJH Catechism Questions

We will play fun review games, so drill that grammar!

- Make sure you check your guide for a couple of great resources on CC Connected.

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