There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Research - Week 2

First week of presentations were awesome!

Remember that the goals for this strand are research and presentation. Have fun researching your topic of interest, taking notes, and outlining your discoveries. Mom decides how long the paper will be and if a drawing is required. The goal is at least one paragraph, but the teacher is the boss!

The presentation can be read from the paper, presented from an outline (Ethan modeled this yesterday), or even memorized! Showing a simple sketch or some other art medium would be fun.

Each student will assess themselves each week after they present. What was one thing they did well? What is one thing they can improve on for next time? I will also assess them, as will their classmates on occasion.

This week's recommended research topic: ROCKS

Here are a couple of Francis Chan videos that I showed the kids, tying together the astronomy research theme with the It Couldn't Just Happen universe discussion.

Crazy Big God 1

Crazy Big God 2

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