There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -  Colin Powell It tak...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Whoops! Forgot to publish this post! And now it is Thursday...

Here is what you need to know!

Latin: Follow your guide and enjoy the slower pace. Keep committing the time to Latin!

LTW: Dylan did an awesome job reading his paper! We missed hearing from Chloe, though. The good news? We are repeating the process for Essay 5 with The Door in the Wall. This week is Invention - come up with an issue, use 5CT questions, comparison 1 & 2, and definitions worksheets to develop your ANI chart with 30 items per column.

Debate: I was genuinely impressed with your 'around the world Asia' drawings. Well done. By the end of this week, you will have drawn all of Asia. Week 6 will be your blank paper assessment, so keep up the daily practice.

Rewards for:
- Daily cartography drawing
- At least one cumulative map (but why stop at one?!?)
- Reading the geography sections in the cartography book
- Watching Geography Now videos

Don't forget your Geography Dictionary!

Logic: Emma and Dylan took it away this week! I'd love to have Ethan and Chloe go next week.

Research: Ok here we go. I'm sure you are already on it this week, but now is the time to finalize your Science Fair projects! Check your guide, check science buddies, and PRACTICE as much as you can to see if you can really communicate your project to an audience.

Science Log Book - make sure the sections are filled per the guide's instructions (you've been doing this week by week...)
Research Plan and Paper - make your final edits and print out so that they are ready to go
Board - Finalize your board, making sure you read through each section. Does each section make sense? Are your graphs clearly labeled and are you able to explain the graphs/tables? Do you understand the steps of the scientific method? Variables? Is your board visually appealing (it does NOT need to be fancy)?
Other materials - Gather any other items you want to have displayed with your project. Pictures? Maple candy (Emma)? Materials you used? Examples of your boats (Ethan)?
Presentation - Can you present an overview of your project in 3-5 minutes without reading your paper or board? Have you practiced in front of your family (and the mirror)?

I will say it again - please PRACTICE presenting your projects at home.

You all will do an awesome job.

Next Monday you will present your projects in front of the Foundations/Essentials students during opening assembly!

Biology: Let's not forget that you are starting your biology drawings this week. I introduced the respiratory system. You should be drawing the respiratory system every day (using the pictures in the back of the guide), and slowly working on defining each term. By the end of two weeks, you should have your best drawing and labels, along with a page of definitions for each system (use the nature sketch journal, a similar notebook, a binder...anything to keep your final work organized in one place). After two weeks you will have a blank paper assessment of the system in class. Look in the back of your Challenge A guide under Research to get an explanation of this process!

Rhetoric: We very, very briefly discussed chapter 18. Next week you will each have time to lead the class discussion, covering chapters 18 and 19. So make sure you are caught up on your reading.

And don't forget catechisms!

Don't be shy about asking questions if you need answers!

You are the BEST!